Saturday, June 07, 2008

Macy's Send Off!

As I type this, Macy is having a blast at Cousins Camp swimming w/ the gang in Mamo and Papo's pool. She was less than interested in talking to Doug and me when we called, so we're glad she's already having a great time. We sent her off w/ a sandcastle cake in honor of her time at the beach w/ Mamo, Papo, Greta, and Jordan. She had such a fun time making it!

On Wednesday, she and I flew to Dallas and enjoyed a few days w/ Auntie G, Uncle Dave, and Baby Charlie! Auntie G arranged a special lunch for the 5 of us at the American Girl store at their Bistro. Since Macy doesn't have an American Girl doll of her own (and thankfully, was more interested in the AG doll animals than she was the actual dolls which have a price tag of $90), she was able to borrow one to dine w/ us at lunch. It was a wonderful treat and she had a memorable time!



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