Monday, February 16, 2009

Little helper

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Valentine Bingo

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Valentine's Day

Though we have a reasonably large television right above them, they prefer to watch the portable DVD screen... or maybe they just like being close to each other?
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Piano Player

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Friday, February 13, 2009

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Time to play "Match the Caption"

I discovered the reason that photos were no longer posting after several hours of trying different things, and finding no help in the Blogger discussion groups. The problem is that I've apparently exceeded the maximum storage in my Google Web Albums, which I didn't even knew existed, or had a limit. Apparently, when you blog to Blogger, it posts the pictures to your google web albums, where you have 1 gig of free storage. When you reach the limit, there is nothing to tell you that this is the problem. I found the problem by trying to post a photo the old, slow way by uploading it through Blogger, and finally got an error that indicated my web album was full (vs. a variety of other errors that didn't make sense, or match anything in blogger discussion lists). So, bottom line, WE'RE BACK.... and we've learned something. Free only lasts so long, and we've hit the limit.

Rules of the matching game -- match photos below and above (yet to be re-posted) to the prior posts with missing photos. Fabulous prizes await (somewhere).

Thanks for playing (I mean, watching)

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Will it work?

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Monday, February 09, 2009


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Impromptu Fire Gathering

I've had wood ready in the fire pit for about two months, and we finally had the perfect evening to light it up and let the kids play while we enjoyed the fire & conversation impromptu

Grandparent Drop-in

Mary & Dwayne dropped in to visit on their way back from Dallas.

Day at the nature center


When weeds are a forest

Wouldn't you like to be able to bounce back in time to remember what it was like when tall grass resembled a forest...

They're watching you!

There are many things you can teach your kids intentionally, but most of the time, they are learning by observation and trial & error... she must be watching her mom a lot...

Monday, February 02, 2009

TV Turn-Off Week

Posting from Sue...

I had been feeling like our television had been on too much and it was becoming easier for me to say 'yes,' at times when I normally would say 'no' to watching TV. So, we put a plan into action of turning off the TV for one week. Here are my observations related only to our family and not as a judgement of what others do...

1. The TV does not need to be on in the morning for us. Most mornings I would turn on Good Morning America in hopes of catching up on some world news and weather, when in actuality, I would simply hear some fluffy morning news, always miss the weather, and get annoyed w/ it being on b/c it would just become loud background noise. The kids would usually watch about 30-45 minutes of TV before school and I realized that isn't necessary at all. So, beginning this week, the TV will not be on in the mornings in the Wager household-we will catch the weather and news on the internet and the kids will play.

2. TV after Calvin's home therapy time: this was probably my biggest fear of the week. Most days, Calvin is allowed to watch a movie after he completes his speech therapy w/ me or our speech therapist. This is a huge incentive for him to work hard during his therapy time. I realized that was another crutch for me. While it would have been nice to have a little more quiet time for me, it was neat to incent him in other ways. After the turn-off week, I've decided he will be allowed to watch an afternoon movie on M-W-F and on T-Th, we will read books or do puzzles.

3. Doug and I don't watch much TV. I knew this, but it was nice to have it affirmed. Although, after a particularly challenging day at home for me, and at work for him, we were going to 'cheat' after the kids were in bed and watch our favorite sitcom: 30 Rock. I felt guilty, but had loads of laundry to fold, so figured, 'oh, what the heck.' Well, it was a rerun, so we immediately turned it off-all the while knowing that we should have just kept it off in the first place honoring our commitment.

So, there you have it. It wasn't painful at all, in fact it was good. The kids groaned at first, but by the end of the week, they knew and understood. Now, I need to stick to my own guidelines, b/c this was more about me hitting the 'reset' button than it was about anything else. And, it was really nice to have the house a little more quiet filled w/ sounds of playing, laughing, (of course, some fighting amongst the kids:) and interacting instead of the blaring of the tube w/ zombies in front of it.